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The secret of reasonable color control of injection mold processing

Share the secret of reasonable color control of injection mold processing.

1. Reduce the influence of barrel temperature on chromatic aberration. In production, it is often encountered that a certain heating ring is damaged or failed, or the heating control is a little out of control, resulting in a drastic change in barrel temperature and then chromatic aberration.

2. Eliminate the influence of injection molding machine and injection mold elements. Choose an injection molding machine with an appropriate capacity for the injection product. If the injection molding machine has doubts about material dead ends, it is best to replace the equipment. Regarding the formation of chromatic aberrations in the mold casting system, exhaust grooves, etc., it can be dealt with by the corresponding mold repair mold. It is necessary to deal with the problems of injection molding machines and molds before they can organize production to reduce the complexity of the problems.

3. Eliminate the influence of material resin and color masterbatch. Controlling raw materials is the key to thoroughly dealing with chromatic aberration. Therefore, especially when producing light-colored finished products, the significant influence of different thermal stability of the material resin on the color fluctuation of the finished product cannot be ignored. In view of the fact that most injection mold manufacturers do not produce plastic masterbatch or color masterbatch themselves. In this way, the focus of attention can be placed on production management and raw material inspection.
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